11 definitions by Chris West

An alternate for of laughing or typing lol, haha, hehe, etc.
More tubs are added for the amount of laughter
"hey look at that"
"Ewww thats ugly"
by Chris West January 11, 2004
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A combination between stupid and doofus.

Mike Skattum and I though of it about a year ago.
you arnt stupid and you arn't a doofus.

You are a stufus you
by Chris West April 7, 2005
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Reffering too the 3 main prep stores.
(A)bercrombie and Fitch
(A)American Eagle

also see AAA
i love triple a stores!
by Chris West September 12, 2004
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reffered to the word tub
Instead of LOL
TOL = Tubbing out loud
by Chris West February 22, 2004
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can be used instead of "too"
or can be used if you are the third person saying "too"
Joe: "Who wants pizza?"
Jane: "Me!"
Jack: "Me too!"
Jill: "Me Twah!"
by Chris West July 31, 2005
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