10 definitions by Charles Swanson
The words "Get Out Of Here" spoken in a one sylible word. Generally used by lazy people who can say a full sentence.
When Spano asked for a free bagel, Gario told him to Gheowdaeah!
When Joe's dog kept bringing him the ball Joe Shouted "Gheowdaeah with that ball!
When Joe's dog kept bringing him the ball Joe Shouted "Gheowdaeah with that ball!
by Charles Swanson February 18, 2005
Those sneakers are some goods.
That chick is some goods.
Yo Spano, break out those goods and line 'em up on this CD case.
That chick is some goods.
Yo Spano, break out those goods and line 'em up on this CD case.
by Charles Swanson February 19, 2005
1.Describing a man's signifacant other, not just any slore
Derived from the word bitch.
2.The act of hanging out with a with a female,signifacant or other-A bid
Derived from the word bitch.
2.The act of hanging out with a with a female,signifacant or other-A bid
1. So that's your new bid, did ya give her the dirty sanchez yet?
2. Where's Tony? He's doin a bid with some new swank. Oh he's biddin' it up tonight.
2. Where's Tony? He's doin a bid with some new swank. Oh he's biddin' it up tonight.
by Charles Swanson February 19, 2005
by Charles Swanson February 19, 2005
by Charles Swanson February 19, 2005
To add insult to injury, Spano stuck his fingers in his bids mouth after giving her a Donnie B. The Yanks would be proud.
by Charles Swanson February 28, 2005
by Charles Swanson February 19, 2005