5 definitions by CerSer

(v.) to become overly paranoid due to smoking or vaping marijuana
Dude, quit skitzin, the cops are not coming, stop looking out the window!
by CerSer October 24, 2008
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(v.)missing someone or something very badly, jonesing
C: When is M coming again?
S: I won't see here for like two weeks dude, it better go fast cuz I'm hurkin!
by CerSer October 24, 2008
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(n.) the white, sticky substance that drips from the tip of an unerect penis, shortly after a quickie. (Spoolage)
S: "Whats the wet mark on your shorts dude?"
C: "Sorry dude, I just had a quickie with J and that's my dick leakage."
by CerSer August 5, 2008
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(n.) a half-hard on that is the product of just finishing sex or any other sexual act. Usually visible by other people.
C: Did M just finish you off?
S: Yessur, could you tell by my halfsker?
C: Duh
by CerSer October 24, 2008
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(adj.) Much like being "Crunk" bonyed is the combination of being high and very, very drunk
C: Who was the second band you watched at Warped tour?
S: I have no clue dude, I was bonyed that whole fucking day!
by CerSer August 5, 2008
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