13 definitions by Carrot

Someone who went with her own style and got labeled a poser. Funny how quick people who say they're against labels slap labels on people, huh? fscking hypocrites. Punk isn't about how you sing or dress, punk is about being yourself and not conforming yourself to the way other people want you to be. And as soon as somone comes along that actually doesn't conform to an expected singing style, all the self-proclaimed 'unconformists' slam her for what she likes. She didn't cause the downfall of anything, maybe she only exposed the hypocrits in the punk community. The Ramones did plenty of 60s pop songs, but come on! They were one of the best punk bands of the 20th century. You don't have to like her (I think her voice is... less than perfect) but if you're going to not like her, don't do it for a reason that's so popular, like the label of "poser." She didn't ruin punk, it's still a great form of music.
"OMG avril is a poser. :O ::turns on Good Charlotte::"
by Carrot May 7, 2004
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A medical condition I use with my boss when I dont feel like comming to work. It means you're very thirsty.
"I can't come to work today, my polydipsia is acting up."
by Carrot November 4, 2004
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What locals call Nottingham, NH on account of it's population that's never peaked 3,000 even though it's got 48.4 square miles of land.
Guy 1: Hey, have you been to nothingham?
Guys 2: Nah, I've only driven through it. It takes 25 minutes to go from end to end, yet I've never seen a soul!
by Carrot June 22, 2014
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1. n. A usually circular plate or mat which is placed underneath a vessel in order to protect a tabletop surface.
2. n. A given situation.
3. n. The instance in which people say something or convey an idea which they don't really veritably mean.
1. a drink valassitude; see synonym: coaster
2. The valassitude of the matter is that we're all doomed!
3. I can't believe she committed valassitude!
by Carrot December 3, 2004
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The killing of one's own teammates through one of three circumstances:

a) Lack of skill and shooting them accidentally, causing either death by fire or falling

b) Deliberately as an act of malice and/or general stupidity

c) Deliberately as an education to the killee regarding their own antisocial behaviour, a punishment meted out by skilled players such as LOLMAN
Ha Ha.... LOLMAN teamkilled that spawncamping n00b
by Carrot March 14, 2004
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My favorite band of all time. People criticize them and say they aren't punk, but isn't punk about not adhering to an image anyway? The Ramones had songs that were fun to sing along to and were probably the first and last perfect US punk band. No one will ever be like them.
by Carrot May 7, 2004
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Fans of the UK synth-rock band Bastille, the name comes from the historical event "the storming of the Bastille".
Guy 1: Wow, did you see the show Bastille played in Boston the other night?
Guy 2: Yeah, the place was LOADED with Stormers!
by Carrot June 22, 2014
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