13 definitions by Cap

Oral-anal stimulation for the purpose of sexual gratification. Enjoyed by those who have tried it, feared by those who have not. Married couples typically overlook this in their foreplay.
Steve's getting married next week. He better get all the rim jobs he can now!
by Cap July 2, 2004
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Yo man u keep requesting the same thing over and over, why u pulling a Ross
by Cap February 11, 2016
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1. n. The period in a persons life where sexual drive peaks. Usually between ages 16 and 21 in males, and between 28 and 32 in females.

2. n. A state of perpetual sexual arousal or excitement which causes a person to engage in a much sexual activity as possible.
Dude, that chick at the far end of the bar throwing back gin and tonics is definately in the powerband. She'd go home with any guy here!
by Cap July 2, 2004
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1. n. Individuals who have lost all traces of actually individuality due to a mindless and unerring devotion to another individual or group's ideals and beliefs.

2. n. Those who scarf down any and all disinformation or propaganda that reinforces their mindless and baseless views, and treats such misinformation as fact.

3. n. Those who spread lies and misinformation--knowingly or unknowingly--in order to perpetuate the dogmatic beliefs which were formulated for them.

4. n. Those who cling to their beliefs even in the face of substancial evidence to the contrary.

Origin: Sheep + People = Sheeple
Sheeple: "John Kerry was actually a spy for the Viet-Cong, and that he shot himself to get those purple hearts!"

Other: "Where did you hear that?"

Sheeple: "It's all over the Internet, and I emailed the links to everyone so they would know the truth about John Kerry!"

Other: "Where is the evidence of this?"

Sheeple: "Osama Bin Laden wants Kerry to with the election... Kerry is pro-Al Queda!"

Other: "What?!"

Sheeple: "Kerry wants to make abortions mandidtory the first time you get pregnant, and pay for them with massive tax hikes!"

Other: "Um, you're kidding, right?"

Sheeple: "Master Rove is the light and the dark; the alpha and the omega..."
by Cap July 28, 2004
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Professional or semi-professional attire used to provoke sexual arrousal or attention in the workplace.
Sara's ruffle skirt is rather business provocative.
by Cap July 1, 2004
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The mascot of the junior highschool the Teen Girl Squad attends. Which is, by the way, the only junior high school I know of with a bottomless spirit pit.
by Cap July 1, 2004
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