172 definitions by Cap'n Bullmoose

Office paper work. Derived from bumfodder, toilet paper.
Our new boss gives us a lot of bumf.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 21, 2005
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A relationship between one man and one woman. The nucleus of the family. Ordained by God and not by governments, and therefore not definable or controllable by governments.

Little children sometimes play amusing little games in which their puppy dogs and kitty cats get married. In a similar fashion, grown-up poofters and diesel dykes sometimes pretend that they can get married to each other. Strangely, all good liberal twits pretend the same thing.

Every poofter has the God-given right to get married. He can marry any willing single woman he wants to.

Every bull dyke has the God-given right to get married. She can marry any willing single man she wants to.
Malcolm and Rebecca were united in marriage. Bruce and Donald were not.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 30, 2005
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Hey, Janet, don't forget to flush the commode.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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An orifice that ladies and gentlemen use to take dumps and blow binderfenders.

An orifice that a poofter uses like a lollipop.
Miss Livingston looked both ways, then blew a binderfender out of her ass hole, which frightened all the birds from the trees. Miss Livingston said "Oh, dear."

Trent the corn-holing poofter licked Creighton's ass hole like it was a chocolate ice cream cone. Then he licked his chops and said, "Oh, how tasty."
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 4, 2008
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A knob attached to the rim of a steering wheel that enables a driver to turn the wheel by moving the knob. Very common in the late 1940s and through the 1950s. Illegal in most places since then. Also called a nigger knob.
Ermal has a suicide knob on the steering wheel of his Case tractor. He decided to put one on the wheel of his Pontiac, too, so he could spoon with Ida Mae while he drives.
by Cap'n Bullmoose November 1, 2007
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An ill wind that nobody blows good.
Lynne played Telemann's oboe concertos at the concert.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 30, 2005
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