24 definitions by CDSmith1967

bump bones

To have sexual intercourse; to have sex or get sexed;
to screw, get screwed, or busy screwing;
to get laid; doing the bump and grind;
to fuck, getting fucked, or busy fucking...

Yes... a lotta names for an act of pleasurable sex. :)
Alexis and I didn't waste time to jump
in the sack and bump bones with each other.
by CDSmith1967 October 27, 2005
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The girl was flat-chested before; now she looked like
she had put great big balloons under shirt... that is...
until she took off that shirt! WOW!!
by CDSmith1967 October 14, 2005
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To rub your nose at a girl's body parts.

When nuzzling her neck, take in the smell of her perfume.
But in more intimate situations, nuzzling at her breasts is
even better. Trust me.
The girl squealed in surprise, then
laughed out loud as her amorous boyfriend
pressed his face into her big, soft breasts.

Then she said, teasingly as he began to
nuzzle her:

"EEP! You horny bastard! Stop! I'm ticklish there! Hahaha!!"
by CDSmith1967 August 4, 2007
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knitting booties

The after effects of shagging without rubber.
When your girl starts knitting booties as she
sports a baby bump, you know you'll HAVE to either
get hitched or pay child support.
I know I want a cute girl to be knitting booties,
but I need have cabbage to support her and her
kids... once we're married.
by CDSmith1967 October 14, 2006
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When someone or a group of people (usually in a working environment)
try to tell you how you are supposed to do YOUR job when

they are incapable of doing your job, especially THEY feel

the need to dish out some oppression to those who are

declassé in their own opinion, or doing it for shits and

giggles just to make misery. Even worse when a

one trick pony wage slave acts like a

big headed twat toward anyone who pushes a broom

or mops the floor.

Culminates into too many chiefs and not enough Indians
helping to make one's fuck up into a Fuck Up of the First Order
while being in total denial of doing so.
When too many cooks spoil the broth, only a lot of blame is served.

And knowing some folks, they don't want that portion.
by CDSmith1967 February 12, 2013
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This where being in deep trouble is unheard of, and goes beyond in deep shit. You might as well face it... doomed is putting it mildly. You are in SO deep in woe, you can only pray for death.

And both Mr. Mertle from "The Sandlot" and Sans from Undertale said it.
A scene from the Sandlot after Scotty Smalls explains about why he borrowed his

stepfather's autographed Babe Ruth baseball----

Mr. Mertle: I take it back. You're not in trouble. You're dead where you stand!

Can you say Oh shit?
by CDSmith1967 February 20, 2017
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deal sweetener

Verb. To throw something extra-cool in the already-existing good deal, making more appealing.

It's something like what a car-dealer does when offering a vehicle with extra comforts... but the items in question are for free.

Deal sweeteners work for those who are truly smooth talkers, and those blessed with a silver tongue who
know how to talk a good deal. The difference is: Those kind of folks DO SO MORE than those who BS.

But beware... liars can do it, too, especially in working out a scam.
The computer service guy not only offer to fix my computer, he threw in a deal sweetener: some anti-virus software and a wi-fi receiver for free for being a first-time customer! Fuck yeah!
by CDSmith1967 October 9, 2012
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