21 definitions by ButtHead

An extremely promiscuous homosexual, or one who takes felching to the extreme.
Nathan was a real felch factory at the club last night.
by ButtHead February 8, 2005
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To be exceptionally smug, full of oneself.
after that gummer i had a shit eating grin
by ButtHead April 29, 2006
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A sexual infection, or sore, growth, etc. on one's penis, or genitals
I woke up after that packer party with a massive whore nugget on my dick.
by ButtHead April 21, 2006
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A practicing butt pirate
Kenny is the gayest anal crusader ever!!!!
by ButtHead December 30, 2005
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a male who likes to be active in anal sex
patrice is a total turdtamper, my asshole still hurts
by ButtHead June 6, 2007
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Another euphemism, very old in English, for the male genitalia.
My wife rode the shaggy horse 'til it puked.
by ButtHead April 29, 2006
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