12 definitions by Brittany_notyourgirl

1.) To hurt or beat fuck out of someone. (Usually a person of African decent)
by Brittany_notyourgirl August 28, 2005
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An old school nickname used to describe the nieghborhood pretty boy.
"Hey you remember that dude back in high school that stole your girl?"
"Yeah, his name was Alfonso, but pretty ricky what they called him..."
by Brittany_notyourgirl August 28, 2005
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To act out of character usually to get attention or because one is upset.
"You see me party with some other bitch, and you wanna show out" 50 Cent-After My Chedda
by Brittany_notyourgirl August 27, 2005
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"Shit might pop off and when it pop off. Somebody gonna get laid the fuck out!" 50 Cent
by Brittany_notyourgirl August 27, 2005
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1.) A short version of the name brand boots "Timberland"
by Brittany_notyourgirl August 29, 2005
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1.) A man who secretly partakes in homosexual conduct, but lives a hetrosexual lifestyle. Often married, with childern.
2.) A man who many women believe is gay
"Hey, girl did you hear about Shay?"
"Yeah, I heard to beat the black off of her man when she found out he was a downlow brother!"
by Brittany_notyourgirl August 28, 2005
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When a person spends a large amount of money on another person.
"I would never cash out for no hoe."
by Brittany_notyourgirl August 27, 2005
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