232 definitions by Brad

An inconsequential opinion or comment given to another person on a particular topic. Not because it was warranted, but because the giver felt compelled to say it, regardless of its relevance.
Say two professors are in a deep discussion on Super String Theory, then a undergraduate student pipes in and says something just to be a part of the conversation, with out any real knowledge of the subject. That would be consider "throwing in your two cents."
by Brad May 20, 2004
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refers to a condom
dawg, u got a any c-boy
by Brad December 14, 2004
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A small protion of crack cocaine.
I've got twenty-five lighters on my dresser. I got's to get paid.
by Brad November 3, 2005
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wtf that chik just shoved a fooball up her clacka
by Brad August 5, 2004
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an insult to a sibling or person on the street
Brad: OI!
Zia: WOT
Brad: You are the biggest, nastiest Clacka imaginable
Zia: k
by Brad June 8, 2004
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Short for 'Go die in a fire'
Dahvood, I believe you should GDIAF for molesting that sheep.
by Brad March 26, 2005
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A kid that goes to UC for the weekend and fucks a girl twice in one hour and then goes back for more the next day. He then proceeds to find out that he has a fucking STD and puss is coming out of his limp rod
Z-Spew-A-Load-In-Her, Z-Gunner,
Z-Douchebag, Z-Asshole, Z-Dumbass
by Brad November 24, 2003
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