13 definitions by Braavosi

the most unlucky elephant ever. famed for... how to put this politely... stomping his own genitals flat... owwwwwwwww.....
JESUS FUCK!!!! 6000 lbs. of cock-stomping goodness!!!
by Braavosi May 22, 2003
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"It's true! I'm a rageaholic! I can't live without rageahol!"
by Braavosi May 4, 2003
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Rear Echelon Mother Fucker. One who has no frontline or combat experience, and therefore makes huge errors at expense of human life.

The REMF's decisions make sense only if you think of human beings as statistics. This is the main problem with REMFs- they think of people as numbers.
Shit! That REMF canceled the supply drop! We're on our own for this one!
by Braavosi May 1, 2003
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1. The eventual end of a person, the bottom of an arc, the last chapter, the last stand, the loss of life, removal from Earth, the ltimate paradigm shift. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing after it.
oh, here comes Death
hi death
by Braavosi May 1, 2003
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1. Noun: The greatest invention ever. Of all time. The most holiest of breakfast foods, the light in the age of darkness, the diamond in the rough. The food of champions.
2. Verb: To waffle: to hit a monkey with a small stick made of brass
They were waffling, but the monkeys ran away, so they went to have some waffles.
by Braavosi May 1, 2003
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1. n (hom-sar) One who has been buried up to his neck and covered in scorpions.
2. n One who is saving the best for last.
"I'm sa-vin' the best for laaast!"
by Braavosi May 1, 2003
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