6 definitions by Borden

(Adj.)1. Neat or interesting. (can also mean cool) 2. Of a good or pleasant nature.
Used in 21st-century America by strange, offbeat teens.
Dudemna, look over there! Is that squirrel not THE spiffiest thing...ever!?
by Borden May 24, 2004
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A girl who is beatiful but degrades herself by dressing like a two-cent whore. (Pretty+Trash)Famous peices of prash include Christina Aguilera.
Wow, she has nice eyes. Too bad she dresses like total prash.
by Borden May 24, 2004
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The act of loving or having postitive feelings for. Used by anime-reading teens in Southern Arizona.
I'm sorry that I'll never see you again. I just wanted to say that I muffin you.
by Borden May 24, 2004
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A phrase older people such as parents use to exaggerate the greatness of a certain event. (even if they are talking about leeches) Also see... back in the day, way back when, and good times.
Grandfather: I remember, one time, me and Jimmy went down to the swimmin' hole. Course, back then we didn't have those fancy bathin' suits y'all have now. So anyway, when we got out, we were COVERED in leeches. Ou-chie! Man, those were the days...
by Borden May 24, 2004
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(n) A guy's term to describe a girl who's so ugly that she needs a brown paper bag over her head and one for him, too, in case her's falls off. A really ugly chick. 80's Slang.
Dude, that chick is such a double-bagger! Good thing that thetre was dark, or you'da been blinded!
by Borden May 25, 2004
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A store where people go to buy clothes that other gay-ass stores like Forever 21 don't sell. Although the clothes are expensive, they are wotrth it. Where else can you get a shirt that says, "Invade Canada"?
I'm bored, lets go to Hot Topic and scare the poseurs.
by Borden May 24, 2004
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