3 definitions by BonerCoveredInShit
Husband: Hey honey whats for dinner?
Wife: I don't know about dinner, but how about a ranchy salad for an appetizer
Wife: I don't know about dinner, but how about a ranchy salad for an appetizer
by BonerCoveredInShit March 20, 2010
when a person takes a shit on their partner's chest and smears it all the way down their body, while smoking a cigar (yelling choo-choo is optional)
Boyfriend: Hey babe, i'm kinda horny lets try a steamboat willie
Girlfriend: Okay i'll get the cubans
Girlfriend: Okay i'll get the cubans
by BonerCoveredInShit September 10, 2009
by BonerCoveredInShit October 6, 2009