3 definitions by Blondie and Rawkitup

When a person or thing is being twat-like (see twat). Usually people that have mullets or are lacking in certain bodily parts.
Ginger - I hate you sooooooooo much, you are such a slut (see slut)!

Brunette - Omg your twatiosity is overwhelming!
by Blondie and Rawkitup June 3, 2005
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After looking at manky things on your computer, you get up and jump about whilst flapping your hands by your side. While your neighbours watch you in a confuzzled way.
Blondie - Omg the guy across the road from me is flapping! Only twatty people like him would flap.

Rawkitup - Omg he is such a sad loner.

Blondie - He has a mullet. Enough said.
by Blondie and Rawkitup June 3, 2005
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A mixture of one of the best phrases ever, fuck off. Use it when defending yourself, your friends, or anything you hold dear to you.
MulletMan aka Ethan - Omg I hate your shoes Blondie

Rawkitup - FOFF

Blondie - FOFF! THE TWATIOSITY OF YOU! (see twatiosity)
by Blondie and Rawkitup June 3, 2005
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