21 definitions by BlOwFiSh

The famous African-American dancer, Bill Robinson, who taught Shirley Temple how to tap dance and starred with her in many movies.

Eventhough this Spanish American War vet, was celebrated. He was often descriminated against due to the color of his skin. Many artist such as Bob Dylan and Sammy Davis Jr have paid tribute to him through their art.

Bojangles came to represent oppressed or discriminated people who have a special warm and caring relationship with the children of the oppressor.
Granpa would even bojangles with kids of the KKK.
by BlOwFiSh July 23, 2005
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1. A former gang banger no longer in the game.

2. A gang member who receives a serious permanent injury due to gang violence.
The ghetto vet hid the weed in his wheelchair.
by BlOwFiSh July 23, 2005
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Pizza crust left over from someone who does not eat the crust.
Person A: Can I have a slice of pizza?

Person B: No, but you can have my bones.
by BlOwFiSh July 31, 2005
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Over twenty thousand years before the birth of --Anikan Skywalker--, dark jedi had stumbled upon the Sith race. The Sith beings dominated the then uncharted world of Korriban.

Star Wars creator, George Lucas, took the Gaelic word Sith meaning fairy or sprite. Gaelic lore describes sith as good natured, tiny, winged creatures that live in the woods. Lucas's Sith were a lighthearted, primitive race of force adepts (those who had the ability to tap into the force).

The primative Sith did not have a great understanding of the force and only used their natural abilities for basic tricks.

The dark jedi had been exhiled from the know universe after the Great Schism (100 year war among the Jedi Order over banning use of the dark side of the force.) When the surviving dark jedi arrived, they easily conqured, corrupted and enslaved the Sith beings. Sith beings were forced to worship the dark jedi as gods. Dark jedi became known as Sith Lords able to study and embrace the dark side of the force. Sith now refers to all people from Korriban, including dark jedi.

Over thousands of years the Sith Lords built a great civilization on Korriban and the surrounding star systems, Sith Empire.

The Jedi of the Republic and Sith Order had eventually forgoten about each other until a chance encounter. Centuries of warfare erupted between the two orders with the Jedi normally getting the best of the Sith.

Sith Lords are their own worst enemy. There order was often racked by infighting and other forms of desention. The head of order stayed in power until challenged (killed). To curb this this, new Sith Empires follow the strict code. "Always two there are....no more...no less. A master and an apprentice."
Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos,ruled 5,500 years before the events of Star Wars.
by BlOwFiSh July 23, 2005
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Slang for conflict diamonds.
Blood diamonds are used to fund the rebel groups, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF). These groups terrorize the peoples of Angola and Sierra Leone. Murder and mutilation are the trade marks of these groups. Most famous for chopping off hands, arms or legs of small children.

Most diamonds today are have blood in there history--you just don't know it.
The DeBeers cartel is corrupt so don't care if those are blood diamonds or not.
by BlOwFiSh July 24, 2005
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Severe form of mental illness. To call it a mood swing is a understatement. It more like PMS on crack. Bipolar highs are characterized by delusions of grandure(thinking you can do more than you are capbable of). Lows are extreme anger or sadness.

Believe me. I live with some with the illness.
I don't care how hot she is -- that bipolar bitch would cut you dick off in the middle of the night for leaving the milk out.
by BlOwFiSh July 24, 2005
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A very big smile.

When a child drinks kool aid or some other brightly dyed beverage and ends up staining the outside of their mouth.
He's had a kool aid smile ever since the birth of his son.
by BlOwFiSh July 26, 2005
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