42 definitions by Bitch

a person who isnt gay, but dresses like they are gay....south park
"It's cool the be a metrosexual. You know act gay, but you aren't really gay."
by Bitch November 8, 2003
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Nolda, also known sometimes as "Nolder", is also a loser who will never amount to anything. Hopefully he never procreates, because we don't need little ape looking men running around the planet.
Nolda knocked some bitch up, and then we killed the skank.
by Bitch February 27, 2004
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An extreme fat dildo that is mainly used for sexual pleasure for gay men.
Oh, Kolby drive that crysis harder!
by Bitch August 31, 2004
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The beautifulest person in the world. Who I love more than anything
Deidre Brass is the person you want to be!
by Bitch March 7, 2005
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A fat ass chick. She is like a freakin' whale.
Yeller sank the boat
by Bitch March 12, 2005
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1. only said by the coolest people around
2. another term for the shit
1. damn that song is da shiz
2. i am da biggest shiz around town.
by Bitch March 7, 2005
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