66 definitions by Billy Bob
It's when you burp and a little bit of vomit comes up your esophagus into your mouth. Burp + vomit = vurp.
At the thought of dating Billy Bob with his mullet and his gaped front teeth for squirting Copenhagen, I vurped the special sauce from my Big Mac.
by Billy Bob March 21, 2005
originally the sound Link makes as he swings his sword in the Legend of Zelda; the word has now come to mean almost anything; it can be used as "hello", "goodbye", "what's up?" or even, "that shiznit is wack"
by Billy Bob October 4, 2004
An Anchent God, Said to always ride into battle on the back of a Black Dragon (even though he had dragon wings of his own) and never lost a battle he was in.
by Billy Bob April 13, 2005
by Billy Bob October 19, 2004
by Billy Bob June 9, 2003
bucnh of slack jawed faggots around here, this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.
by Billy Bob April 15, 2003