15 definitions by Bigboy_911

A lie that you don’t want a lot of people to know about
Ayy cuh you better keep this shit low cap, I don’t want my mamma knowing I’m homo .
by Bigboy_911 April 26, 2019
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A derogatory term used for a short and fat person originating from mexico
My kid kinda look like a burrito beaner
by Bigboy_911 April 25, 2019
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Bro that was the best jerksta I’ve ever had
by Bigboy_911 April 26, 2019
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This term is used when you don’t want to say on god but you still want to swear on something so you say low god
by Bigboy_911 April 26, 2019
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A term used for when you impale a shark with a harpoon so hard it makes a fart noise.
Oh shit you just sharkpooned that bitch
by Bigboy_911 April 25, 2019
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