8 definitions by Big Erected James

When you chicken looks like fish and smells like cranberries
I love the smell of pulstercran, it makes me *** immediately
by Big Erected James October 7, 2023
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Adjective describing an object/person with 4 legs/arms as fantastic or awesome
I love IKEA, their furniture is absolutely tablesome
by Big Erected James October 7, 2023
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When a group of people call you racial slurs when you are all alone
1: negro
2: nigga
3: nigger
4: nigger
Victim: bruh chill wtf is this racial gangbang cuh
by Big Erected James October 7, 2023
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Person 1: I love minors
Person 2: Haha, so you mean miners?
Person 1: no.
by Big Erected James October 7, 2023
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Word to describe a broken tap in the kitchen (or bathroom if it has over 4 rolls of toilet paper) in a house who has a dog called Charles who's owned by a Botswanan Person
Person : Oh no, my kitchen is such a Kaluoptus Cranklik
Other person : Since when did you have a dog?
by Big Erected James October 7, 2023
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