5 definitions by Big Ray

During anal sex, a piece of fecal deposit is pulled out.
I was doing her so hard, I pulled out an anal muffin.
by Big Ray April 3, 2005
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A slut, a person who is constantly looking for sex.
My ex Lauren is a sleepwalker. Shell fuck any guy anytime, shes always looking.
by Big Ray May 16, 2006
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Female who takes it in the pooper often.
She gets so much anal shes almost a poop chute princess
by Big Ray April 3, 2005
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When ass air gets to long, and wiping is as hard as pulling peanut butter out of shag carpet.
I need to shave I have the shag carpet again.
by Big Ray April 3, 2005
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(n) When climax is reached and a white powder similar to talcom powder is ejaculated.
Im so thirsty, that if I had sex I would have a dry bust.
by Big Ray April 2, 2005
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