38 definitions by Ben E. Hama

a little carribbean nation, the brits and french fought over control of this place for over 300 years until the 20th century. apparently, the good sugar and bannana growing areas were a big prize. nowadays, this is just a toruist trap for americans, canadians, and euros. it has the world's biggest drive-up volcano.
saint lucia is nicknamed the troy of the carribbean.
by Ben E. Hama January 31, 2007
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tiny country that is basically just an independent city surrounded by italy. its people are ethnic italians, but when italy was unified in the 1870s, san marino refused to join. it's actually been an independent nation since 301 AD. nowadays, they are famous for producing special coins and postage stamps marketed directly at tourists.
san marino has a F-1 race ever year.
by Ben E. Hama January 31, 2007
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tiny country in the pacific made up of hundreds of islands. a british sailor named marshall founded the place for westerners, but the germans gained the islands in the 1800s. japan basically used it as 1 giant military base during wwii, and it became a us mandate after the war. it gained independence only 25 years ago, after the us grew tired of using it as 1 big nuke testing ground.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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a nation in northern africa along the medditeranian. most of its people live along the coast, as the interior is as a barren desert. inhabited by people of berber decent, it had a history of piracy (the barbary coast). in the 1800s, the french colonized this place and a very very bloody war for independence occured in the 1950s. the democratic government has had problems since then, including assassinations, coups, single party rule, and terrorism. while the nation currently elects its leaders in what are considered free elections, its an open secret that politicians are subsurviant to miliatry leaders.
algeria's capital is algeiers.
by Ben E. Hama January 27, 2007
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mozambique is a country in africa. it was a long time posession of portugal, but was basically owned through most of the 1800s and early 1900s by a corpoartion known as the nissa company. this organization, of course, ran mozambique into the ground. portugal held on this place until their own upheaval in the 1970s. since then, mozambique has been typical africa with coups, civil wars, aids, and poverty.
mozambique is trying to fix it's economy.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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palau is a tiny island nation in the pacific, with a population of only about 20,000 people. it was colonized by various powers between the 1600s and late 20th century, including the Spanish, Germans, British, Japanese, and Americans. however, no foreign power really did anything to help or harm the region. a huge WWII battle occured here, and following the end of the war, the US was put in charge of the region. palau refused to join the country of micronesia when it was formed in the 1970s. after political chaos, it finally became independent in 1994.
palau has many coral reefs.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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tunisia is a nation that actually has a pretty grand history, as a powerful outpost during the reigns of the greek, roman, and ottoman empires. the french eventually took over, the place is most famous for the wwii battles fought here. currently, its a single party state that actually has some wealth in the coastal cities, espcially due to oil. in the interior, the famous nomadic berbers still live.
movies producers that want to film deserts scenes often shoot in tunisia.
by Ben E. Hama February 2, 2007
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