8 definitions by Bear-3

Why can't you Speak English you Bum, your probably going to be flipping burgers your hole life.
by Bear-3 March 8, 2018
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The word spic is short for spicey , give a Mexican a spice and he starts sweatin
wow that Mexican ate 3 spices , he must be sweating bullets
by Bear-3 August 14, 2016
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another word for bingo, or we have discoverd it.
two guys are driving trying to find a destination, two hours later eureka we found it.
by Bear-3 August 24, 2015
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A date wear Mexican's celebrate kicking out Spanish and French people out of there Country.
Happy Cinco de Mayo Aren't you happy we kicked out those Spanish and French people.
by Bear-3 January 6, 2019
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Usually a girl with a hot body that has squinty eye's and a grin.
What do you think of the new Gilr?
Shes cute but her face is fugly.
by Bear-3 January 9, 2019
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They're like a Simpson show

The father's bald , fat and dumb looking And the last thing he will take care of is his brat son Bart.
guy1: What do you think of American's
guy2: They're like a Simpson's show.
by Bear-3 August 18, 2019
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a dad that doesnt play with his kids , Doesnt teach him how to play a beat , resulting in neglect,
see that dad over ther he never playes with his kids, what a dead beat dad
by Bear-3 August 19, 2015
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