4 definitions by BadRaven25

A descriptive acronym for the overall term, "We are a Frum Group."

'nuf said. V'hamayvin yavin.
"You can't discuss sex in this group because WAAFG."
by BadRaven25 June 28, 2021
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A guy who is such an ass that he's a schmuck ( Yiddish for a dickhead) and an asshole combined. One word doesn't suffice. . . You need to combine the two.
That schmuckhole was walking in the middle of the street late at night wearing only black and I nearly hit him and got charged with manslaughter.
by BadRaven25 October 14, 2018
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Worse than a douchebag. A total asshole who is more vile than an actual physical douche bag (the original douche bag which women use to clean their pussies). So much so that the bag gets wadded up and tossed aside like the shit that's in it.
That douchewad totally ghosted me after I fucked him all night and gave him several BJs.
by BadRaven25 October 2, 2018
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For something to be higher than one's ability to understand or handle.
I was trying to explain that issue to her, but ZOOP, right over her head.
by BadRaven25 February 4, 2021
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