49 definitions by BObo D. HObo

Someone who plays soldat! skates! pwn5 y3r h0t m0M!!‼

Weapons of choice: DEagles, ruger, other...
Secondaries: LAW, Knife, Socom, Chainsaw. bot sometimes you need different guns for diffrent situatation

BObo D. HObo aka Snipedmyself
BObo D. HObo is a hacker! nvm, a lagger! no...he just does not suck...im s000 jelly ice! he is not that good though cos he like 2 mess around alot. like wif teh mini! yeah w00t!
by BObo D. HObo April 27, 2004
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A CheAp internet service provider. 9.95 A month for standard dial up service, 14.95 For high speed dial(does not affect download er ne thing)
Netzero is sooo nice, a nice cheap internet....NO! Net zero has a catch, spy and adware come with the pooled ads also do some programs involving messing up your browser. In Old versions of netzero you could not run a full screen game, Then they realized you won't see what is happening.
by BObo D. HObo July 22, 2004
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1) Adolf Hitlers Day of birth.

2) Smoking Holiday (4/20 any year)

3) Rumored Some college students would smoke everyday at 4:20 pm
My PC clock says 4:20 haha.
by BObo D. HObo July 22, 2004
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What BObo D. HObo says when he does extreme in games!
Soldier:wtf, u h4xor! eyem mad! asdf
BObo D. HObo:sha! eat it!
Soldier:you gay n00b
BObo D. HObo:wtf?! i just killed you 6x in a row!
Soldier:So im never gonna register soldat even though i werk @ McDonalds and live wif my mom
BObo D. HObo:..
BObo D. HObo:uh, i just knifed you!
Soldier:yeah well i know a glitch
BObo D. HObo:u do it wrong, don't throw grenades @ yer face....
BObo D. HObo:er- u spelled it-
Soldier:Shutup i can kill u in Unreal..
BObo D. HObo: You just walked off a cliff :|
Soldier:you just wish you could do it-
BObo D. HObo: You crap head, silly goose i just yoinked yer flag :)
Soldier: Yeah well...
BObo D. HObo: cap! sha!
by BObo D. HObo April 28, 2004
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group of arabian musicians creating famous music used in famous flash animations like schfifty five or mario twins
shiggity shiggity shwa!
guees what idiiot!

(mario twins- by group x)
by BObo D. HObo April 28, 2004
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Also see:
distracted: Honestplayer5 just kicked playerones' arse

Ignores gameplay: whoa, pwneded! look at he death console!
by BObo D. HObo August 3, 2004
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