22 definitions by BIG T 49

The pelvic region above the vagina that is covered with an extreme amount of pubic hair,thus resembling the look of an old baseball sandlot that hasn't been played on in a long time
Mike wanted to eat out Gina,but told her to cut the grass above her clit ,because it looked like an abandoned pitcher's mound
by BIG T 49 August 4, 2017
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Heavy fecal projectiles that's surfaced in the toliet after being launched from the anus usually after a long traffic jam in the intestines
Bob finally released some butt submarines after the bottleneck in the bowels begain to break up
by BIG T 49 January 30, 2021
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When the scrotum becomes a dinginy yellow color due to repeated doublebacking ass wiping method to insure a clean ass
Dave's girlfriend noticed that his ballsack had a slight discoloration than his normal skin tone as she was about to polish his knob,thus have a servere case of mustard sack
by BIG T 49 November 8, 2017
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When a female has hair covering her buttocks as she's bent over exposing a back shot of the hairy cooch
Mike really had a hankering for some of Angie's hairy moonpie
by BIG T 49 August 17, 2017
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An extreme growth of pubic hair around clitoral region ,vaginal orifice and above the clitoral region that resembles the wild vegetation growing in a swamp in the Louisiana Bayou Country,cajun waffles are commonly found on women born and bred in Louisiana
I gave some serious facetime on Bonnie Sue's cajun cajun waffle as she spread eagle in the southwest corner of the couch watching Season 2 of "Swamp People"on DVD.
by BIG T 49 June 9, 2017
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A slutty female who licks any male genitals for a nicotine fix
Kira is such an apple bag junkie ,she licked Jim's balls and 9 of his buddies balls as well,so they all pitched in and bought her a carton of cigs
by BIG T 49 August 24, 2017
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The hanging poop balls or fecal matter left behind on the nut sack hairs after a soft stool
Joe had a severe case of scrotum berries after exporting a soft excrement of poop
by BIG T 49 December 2, 2014
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