6 definitions by Au KJTR ftw

Girl 1: Look at him hes cute.
Girl 2: Hes a PFD wait till he gets closer.
(Dude walks five feet closer)
Girl 1: Jesus christ hes FUBAR
by Au KJTR ftw September 19, 2017
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Verb : When a terrorist is in the act of bring a plane into a questionable location. Could be into a building or just being a kamikaze on a ship. It doesnt matter.
The 911 terrorists were waliding all into they hit the twin towers.
by Au KJTR ftw April 13, 2015
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A girl who steals your chick.
Sally is a mss.Steal Your chick
Oh no really.

Yeah she fine but I'm single now.
by Au KJTR ftw October 23, 2017
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Male version of "bye felicia". When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two shits less that they are. Fuck em. Their name then becomes "filancia", a random fuck boy that nobody is sad to see leave. Because fuck em. They're real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is there like fuck boys. Just fuck em. Instead, they now are "filancia" The new fuck boy.
"hey guys i'm gonna go"

"bye filancia"

"who is filancia?"

"exactly filancia". buh bye." (Some time passes) "Fucccckkkkkk bbbboooooyyyyyy"
by Au KJTR ftw January 5, 2015
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Allot of fuckers on obviously can not read the phrase "Don't name your friends." So they post names of people with stupid ass definitions. At this point urban dictionary should start issueing out ban hammers. Fucking retards having no respect to our servers memory and data logs -UD moderator
Getting real tired of these Fuckers on Urban Dictionary going through new word submissions and naming people, disobeying the rules they said they would follow.
by Au KJTR ftw April 13, 2015
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Adjective. When some when is so useless or incapable of doing anything. The person cant put on their own clothes, or just answer a question to a quiz or test or follow basic instructions. They are like almost retarded without the mental handicap. It does not have to be physical. Someone could be dumb at a subject. Or someone is lacking on a school project. Maybe they are just assholes. This term can be used for almost anything at this point. Just like fuck. Fuck can be used for anything. Keller is the new word that I hear alot of people saying.
Kenny - lily didnt do her work for the project tomorrow.
Kevin - Shes useless.
Kenny - shes so keller
by Au KJTR ftw April 12, 2015
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