When someone says that they're leaving and you could really give two shits less that they are. Their name then becomes "felicia", a random bitch that nobody is sad to see go. They're real name becomes irrelevant because nobody cares what it really is. Instead, they now are "felicia".
by pimpin'817 December 8, 2008
An expression used to dismiss someone. This person is usually irrelevant and annoying. This expression derived from the movie "Friday"
by yourevrydygrl December 30, 2014
A line from the 1995 film "Friday" starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker that is becoming increasingly popular for no reason. Just like twerking, it has been around and well established for many years, but has recently become more mainstream as white girls attempt to use it, most often incorrectly and oblivious to its origin.
White girl #1: "Bye Felicia!"
White girl #2: What does that mean?
White girl #1: Look it up on Urban Dictionary.
Black girl: *facepalm*
White girl #2: What does that mean?
White girl #1: Look it up on Urban Dictionary.
Black girl: *facepalm*
by lovecarlisle September 26, 2013
This is not a term you bestow on a person whom you do not care about. It is a more of a GTFO salutation, because you want nothing to do with this girl. She has nothing to offer, and is only there to try to get something for herself. She has no redeeming qualities. As noted, it is a quote from Friday. If you watch the movie, you'll understand the context.
Chick: Can I bum some weed off you?
Dude: Bye Felicia
Chick: I'll hook you up next time I'm holding.
Dude.: Bye Felicia
Dude: Bye Felicia
Chick: I'll hook you up next time I'm holding.
Dude.: Bye Felicia
by Oddballls January 4, 2015
by nknionionlm[ July 12, 2019
by skullymitetho February 20, 2017