3 definitions by Attila The Hun

Fucking around with something after it's most likley all ready tuned to what will be it's optimal performance level.
Will you quit futzing with the computer? You're going to break it.
by Attila The Hun August 15, 2003
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1. Going wildly out of control, Crashing
2. Becoming really pissed off, furious.
1. She was flying down the hill and really came unglued about the time she hit the bottom.
2. When I told the boss I was going to be calling in sick he came unglued. It wasn't pretty.
by Attila The Hun August 15, 2003
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Doing well. Having time to spare. Looking good while accomplishing something.
We left at 7:00 and we don't have to be there until 9:00 so we're stylin for time. Works almost over, was a busy day but I'm stylin...
by Attila The Hun August 15, 2003
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