87 definitions by Athene Airheart

A derogatory term for members of the US Navy. Rarely an endearment.
"Hey, watch your six, rust-picker! I'm comin' in right on your tail!" (A Marine pilot taunting a Navy pilot during war games)
by Athene Airheart March 15, 2004
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Slang for a really really good airplane. (I.E. dependable, reliable, cute, affordable.) Refers to the Cessna 152 model, which is one of the greatest training aircraft ever.
"That plane over there is a real Cessna!"
by Athene Airheart March 15, 2004
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Any device that flies. An airplane is an example of an aircraft, as are helicopters, dirigibles, gliders and balloons.

Every aircraft needs an aviator or pilot to fly it.
"That Cessna is one fine looking hunk of aircraft!"
by Athene Airheart March 21, 2004
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The assistant to the Goo-Chief at the Olympic Flight Museum and elsewhere.

The Pile-it is in charge of picking things up and piling them.

The name comes from "pilot" who is the natural counterpart of a Crew Chief. Except, in this case, the Goo Chief has more rank than the Pile-it, which is opposite to how the original positions are.
The Goo Chief is going to need the Pile-it's help to clean up after that party...
by Athene Airheart March 21, 2004
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At an airport, a ramp is a place where aircraft are parked. It is a large flat concrete or asphalt area, that usually has places to tie down planes.

See ramp rat.
I landed at Olympia Regional Airport in my cessna, taxied on to the ramp, tied my plane down, and winked at the cute fueller who brought the fuel truck.
by Athene Airheart May 1, 2004
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1. Anyone who can fly an aircraft. Pilots can be military, commercial, or fly for pleasure.

2. In general, a fairly skilled and intelligent individual who had the guts to get into an aircraft and learn how to fly it. Often possessing of a "higher" mindset. Most of us are good lookin,' too.

Joke to prove I have a sense of humor too:

How do you know if a pilot is at a cocktail party?

He'll tell you.
"The ultimate responsibility of the pilot is to fulfill the dreams of the countless millions of earthbound ancestors who could only stare skyward and wish."
by Athene Airheart March 15, 2004
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When you get so glazed over from smoking the hwaddaow that you can't tell up from down.

Derived from Cheech and Chong, who smoked a lot of reefer.
Back in the day when we were burnin' a quarter a day we got good and cheeched.
by Athene Airheart May 30, 2004
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