23 definitions by Arron j smith

Slang word to describe a high value womans vagina.

Women with this type of vagina often have men giving them lots of attention and validation almost in a beggy type of manner. Women with vaginas like this are considered rare and put on a pedal stool.
This woman got me whipped I need some of the toum toum to to again bro.
by Arron j smith January 31, 2022
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A trait & behavior exhibited by light skin women who think just because they're light skin, they're superior & better than everyone else.
They often have inflated egos, stink attitudes, are very obnoxious & arrogant & have the personality of a brick wall. It is said you should avoid these women even if they're really good looking since it's not worth the stress & headache.
Mike: this light skin girl I'm talking expects me to run her down like I'm a dog

Marcus: she has chase me because I'm light skin syndrome. Ediat girl that, lock it off bro
by Arron j smith March 8, 2023
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Guys that validate themselves through women and rate their value by female approval. They will do anything to grab the attention of women even if it is degrading, foolish or illegal.
These men tend to be completely ignorant of what women’s interests truly are because women say one thing and do another like all human beings. Something that these men complain about online when their plans backfire or a woman does not respect them because theyre weak. They may spend most of their time on social media messaging girl’s and liking their photos in a desperate attempt to get women’s approval or to get laid. Even though this behaviour might decrease their chances they still continue with self-exploitation to grab women’s attention.
This man may get sex very rarely due to his lack of self-confidence but when he does it brags about it to every man he sees to get their approval. Though men may find this behaviour distasteful aswell.
2021 has seen a rise in pussy beggars, simps, maginas and sissys
by Arron j smith September 10, 2021
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This refers to men who either has a small penis, doesn't last long during sex or has very poor performance in the bedroom. Women will often shame men like this with no regards for their feelings.
Being called Mr short Cummings can break down a man's confidence, pride, ego & self esteem.
Tasha: this guy was so dead & boring in the bedroom I was on my phone most of the time.

Layla: loool Mr short Cummings.. lock that off sis
by Arron j smith April 7, 2022
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This refers to man who either has a small penis, doesn't last long during sex or has very poor performance in the bedroom. Women will often shame men like this with no regards for their feelings.
Being called Mr short Cummings can break down a man's confidence, pride, ego & self esteem.
Tasha: this guy was so dead & boring in the bedroom I was on my phone most of the time.

Layla: loool Mr short Cummings.. lock that off sis
by Arron j smith April 7, 2022
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A woman who is bitter, miserable or jealous of another woman because shes with a man she desires or wants.

This can also refer to a woman who has had sex with a man and wanted a relationship afterwards but he doesn't feel the same way and he meets another woman who he makes his girlfriend.
It's not my fault he chose to wife me instead of her. She needs to stop being a barber foot gyal and move on.
by Arron j smith August 29, 2021
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A Man who has sex with women who are married or have boyfriends.
He will usually trick & manipulate women into thinking he's the perfect candidate for them by making it seem like their current partner is trash or a wasteman. His methods are very slick & charming but really and truly he's just a scumbag/player/womaniser.
Jason: Tyrone has been beating bare girls who have a man. He's moving like a proper mr Joe.

William: dude... you're telling me. I think he must have a STD by now.
by Arron j smith February 10, 2022
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