8 definitions by Anthony Melvin

The excess cock that sticks out of the top of your undershorts or pants stemming from a massive erection.
Dude, the boner I got from looking at that chick was so huge, I had about 2 inches of overhead sticking out of my jockeys.
by Anthony Melvin July 30, 2010
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1. anyone grazing around the crowd on a dance floor.
2. anyone who is considerably "too fat" to even be on a dance floor.
1. "I bumped into a wood cow last night while I was performing some of my awesome moves."
2. "Someone get a cattle prod and move that wood cow off the floor before it cracks."
by Anthony Melvin September 15, 2009
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how far one can throw his/her piss.
Johnny throws some major pisstance when he takes a pee.
by Anthony Melvin September 25, 2009
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A mark, such as a scar or wound, that could have been prevented if one ridiculously obvious precautionary action had been taken.
I earned my idiot badge today by scalding my tongue with a freshly poured cup of hot coffee.

Bob failed to properly unload his gun before cleaning it. Therefore, that bullet hole in his leg is his idiot badge.
by Anthony Melvin September 22, 2009
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The act of taking a walk in order to speed up a shit that's been building, as opposed to sitting and waiting longer for it to happen.
Person 1: Hey, have you seen Bob? He wasn't at his desk.

Person 2: He said he had to go walk up a shit.
by Anthony Melvin August 31, 2022
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Any child conceived between the start of coronavirus outbreak started in the United States and the end of the nationwide social distancing/quarantine period.
Meghan was born on January 12, 2021. Meghan is an ill-ennial.
by Anthony Melvin March 23, 2020
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getting on Facebook while you are shit-faced drunk and posting your stories on your profile for all your friends to see.
I got shit-facebook-drunk last evening and aired my dirty laundry on my profile for everyone to read.
by Anthony Melvin October 24, 2009
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