6 definitions by Anonymous 955534

Outside of logic and English verb uses, May, is a month, the fifth month of the year, where everything gets much better and the temperatures begin to be like summer, and school is out!
The fourth of May is known for Star Wars
by Anonymous 955534 April 9, 2023
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A stupid test that causes students to hate their lives and causes them to develop anxiety, depression, anger, hate, etc. It is also repetitive and retarded thing that sucks for anyone who does this crap.
I-Ready is mainly used as a way to torture students and to make them hate everything!
by Anonymous 955534 January 9, 2022
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A person who does minecraft videos with Ethan and Luke. Sometimes Lucie, and rarely Ella and Esther, just depends on the day.
Eystreem makes many videos
by Anonymous 955534 April 9, 2023
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A very awkward nickname, mostly given towards old folks.
Sonny and Sunny sure sound too closely together
by Anonymous 955534 April 9, 2023
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1) n) System of ordering society into several levels, usually low, middle, and high, and used to make the lower seem worse, and the higher seem better.
2) n) A set of items or objects, usually in a more special and specific way, rather than the usual quick category.
3) a) Special style, excellence, or looks, used to show and rank people by their classy looks.
4) v) A short word for classifying, basically just sorting into classes.
1) The class system caused many higher class people to get the jobs given, rather than the lower. Because of Joe’s social class, he wasn’t allowed into the bus.
2) A 55 inch TV class screen vs. a 65 inch TV class screen. There were several various classes sorting the various tapes by year.
3) Someone with no class, is trailer trash. You need class to be allowed into the game.
4) Jim was classing the many types of wool and wood. She classed more types of cool whip.
by Anonymous 955534 April 23, 2023
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a thing that will make an ass out of you and me and is the mother of all failures and f*ck ups!
a thing to avoid making and thinking of!
a thing that is made by being lazy and not asking a question!
I made an assumption that a someone is a complete loser because of a failed exam, but later realized I made an ass and found out the student was really smart.
I made an assumption that the mower ruined a monument at the park, but later realized it was just weathering.
They all made an assumption that a teacher didn’t know how to teach a certain topic, when really the teacher was just testing them.

my assumption is that the three people with glasses are nerds, even though they are not.

ASSUMPTION: It makes an ass out of you and me.
by Anonymous 955534 July 15, 2022
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