4 definitions by Andrew Nicholson

The act of grooming a lady garden into a more manageable and attractive state.
I say, young lady, with such a profusion of spiders legs I think you require an intensive session of pubic topiary !
by Andrew Nicholson November 23, 2004
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What can be found between an elderly ladys legs once age and gravity have taken their toll !
Q. URRRGGH - whats that?
A. Why, thats my pussy !
Fuck me, is it dead coz all its guts are hanging out !!?!
by Andrew Nicholson November 23, 2004
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A large-boned female who makes up for her lack of physical attractiveness by always being prepared to chomp on your pork sausage !
Fuck me, she may have been the size of a house, but boy was she a hungry hippo !!
by Andrew Nicholson November 23, 2004
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The rocket-fuelled ejaculation at the end of a particularly frenzied wank.
Fuck me, I bashed the bishop so fuckin hard my sycojism knocked my wankpot clean out my hand !
by Andrew Nicholson November 23, 2004
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