11 definitions by Anaksunaman

My friend Nichole's nickname is marshmallow tits, 'cause she wears an A cup!
by Anaksunaman June 20, 2004
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The natural urge to vomit when a large, oversized object is inserted into the throat. This is either purposefully suppressed by a person, or occurs as a side effect of having ones tonsils removed. Considered by men to be a highly desirable trait for a woman to lack. See also deep throat and face fuck.
Since I have no gag reflex, I let him slide his whole 12" down my throat!
by Anaksunaman June 20, 2004
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A popular slang term coined by rappers, this term can either be a mispronounced version of "air" or "every". See also urr, herr, and therr
Throw your hands in the err!
Errbody in the club getting tips!
by Anaksunaman June 20, 2004
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To breath in. Also, an incorrect spelling of annihilation, coined by Kyle Wright. Especially useful when combined with the word funtional, to produce the band name Functional Inhalation, which is the only band (other than perhaps an orchestra) to contain more members than Slipknot.
"I am going to launch the nukes in my backyard silos, thus causing the inhalation of the entire world!!"
by Anaksunaman June 20, 2004
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A dessert traditionally associated with either being a patriotic american or the warm insides of the female genitalia. See also pie and american pie.
"I love the flag, mom and hot apple pie!"
(Said while holding up first and second finger together) "Dude! I just got some hot apple pie..."
by Anaksunaman June 20, 2004
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My friend Nichole's nickname is marshmallow breasts, 'cause she wears an A cup!
by Anaksunaman June 20, 2004
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Insane girl who never calls people by their real name.
She's a real marshmallow! She can't even get my name right!
by Anaksunaman June 20, 2004
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