268 definitions by Amanda

to be sarcastic to someone, then they are sarcastic back, but you think they are serious
"hey nice ass"
"you think so?"
"NO! i wasn't serious"
"yo neither was I...CONFANGER"
by Amanda September 3, 2003
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Coked out. Occurs after snorting a lot of cocaine.
I am so geeked. Pure as the driven snow.
by Amanda February 20, 2005
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Acronym for a lesser-known Marketing Demographic: One Income, No Children. Applies mainly to 20-30 something single men with no family obligations who spend all of their incomes on video equipment, stereo equipment, "Stuff" Magazine and designer beer.
Brad is such an OINC; he has 1000 CDs and three game systems but no girlfriend.
by Amanda April 23, 2003
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The coolest hairdo in the world that all the goyim wish they could grow.
My grandfather sported a jewfro.
by Amanda May 10, 2005
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An idiot or nit-wit. Someone who is stupid or dumb for various reasons.
by Amanda April 12, 2005
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when a woman shaves her genetials completely, so that all hair is removed.
I never knew masterbation could be so good until I shaved my pussy bald. been doing it ever since.
by Amanda October 22, 2003
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