32 definitions by Alex-2598

“I love you” in Old English, pronounced roughly as “ich looviyuh thay”. Can easily be passed off as gibberish if you want to confess to someone without them realizing, or can be extra sweet if you say it to someone who understands Old English.
Person 1: “Iċ lufiġe þe”

Person 2: *blushes* “Iċ eac lufiġe þe” (“I love you too”)
by Alex-2598 January 15, 2023
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The undefeated, undisputed toddlerweight champion of the world.

In his prime, none could match him, even Duster Bouglas was easily swept aside.
Some believe that Tike Myson might even be better than the legendary Ahammad Muli.

Viewer 1: Look at that little tike go!

Tike’s mother: That Tike is Myson!
by Alex-2598 November 16, 2022
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A mental state equivalent to average awareness.

Coordinate terms:

Combobulated - being in a state of higher than average awareness

Discombobulated - being in a state of lower than average awareness
Alice was quite combobulated, paying close attention in her classes and getting all A’s. Rick, meanwhile, often found himself discombobulated by his instructor’s lengthy lectures. Meanwhile, Steve followed along fine for the most part, but sometimes needed to ask for help. He was perfectly bobulated.
by Alex-2598 November 6, 2023
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The Streaming Generation has come of age in the era of music and movie streaming on apps such as Spotify and Pandora. This generation will have little to no memory of a time when CDs and DVDs were relevant media in their respective field. The time period covered by this generation is approximately 20005 to the present day, giving them a significant overlap with generation Z. Members of this generation are likely to prioritize efficiency in the way they consume music and video, however there have also been some backlash to this, which have led many of them to re-embrace older forms of these, particularly vinyl records.

Contrast with: ITunes generation, CD generation, Vinyl generation
The Streaming Generation have come to expect maximal efficiency in their music listening and film viewing experiences, at the expense of the personal quality of physical ownership, yet some are discovering ways to balance the old with the new, as evidenced by the resurgence of vinyl records in spite of the ubiquity of streaming services.
by Alex-2598 September 21, 2021
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A word which is defined as both itself and the opposite of itself.


“Because of their oversight, Russia was sanctioned by NATO”

Can mean that Russia was given approval (sanctioned) by NATO because of their vigilance (oversight)

Or that Russia was punished (sanctioned) by NATO because they egregiously overlooked something (oversight)
Words that can perform or imply two directly contradictory actions are called contronyms

1. I clipped (attached) on a bow tie after I got my hair clipped (detached, cut off) at the barber shop

2. The House Oversight Committee’s role is to perform oversight (strenuous watchdog duties) by ensuring that no oversights (mistakes, errors) are made in the government

3. I screened (blocked) the light from my eyes so I could see the movie that was being screened (shown)

4. I was the latest to rent (buy) the apartment that my landlord had been renting (selling, leasing) for five years now
by Alex-2598 March 23, 2021
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1. Not the game. The game may be unfair, but it is unfair for everybody. it is not the fault of the game that humans are infinitely fallible creatures who will seek to take advantage of its loopholes at every opportunity. Every person has a choice whether to engage in ethical behavior or not. One can take the easy way out, but there are no free passes for doing so.

2. If certain people have advantages, it still does not give them the right to abuse them. As a society, we have responsibilities to each other, to lift each other up rather than tear each other down. At heart, we are all capable of good, but too often we choose to see things in a zero-sum, win-lose dichotomy where the only thing that matters is getting ahead, and blaming the system is a convenient out. Using the system as an excuse is like saying the system allows us to buy guns, therefore you can’t be held responsible for murdering someone.

3. Your anger at a certain person for cheating or otherwise engaging in unscrupulous or immoral behavior is totally justified. Do not take it lying down, and don’t let them make excuses, you are worth far more than that.

4. Inversion of the popular idiom “Don’t hate the player, hate the game”.
People always tell me to hate the game, but the game didn’t wrong me, the game didn’t force people to do anything but exercise their own ethical judgement. Therefore, I reserve my right to hate the player.
by Alex-2598 February 26, 2021
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Hitler’s law

If it exists, Hitler has reacted to it (most likely the Downfall version of Hitler)

See also: Rule 99.9

If he has not yet reacted to it, he will
Videos or gifs of Hitler reacting to memes and pop culture that came into existence over 70 years after the fall of the Third Reich which in any event would have absolutely no relevance to an unhinged tyrant watching his world collapse around him is a perfect example of rule 99

Hitler reacts to the new Call of Duty - textbook rule 99
by Alex-2598 February 25, 2021
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