46 definitions by Albert

A proverbial period of time for one's short-lived fame.
This band's fifteen minutes are just about up because nobody listens to them anymore.
by Albert February 15, 2004
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Drive a nice luxorious sedan.
I got a 2000 Honda Accord V-tech, and smoked a camaro,then he said that his anti-slippery system is not to good, what kind of pussy statement is that.
Your shit sucks, buy a bimmer or a benzo then you could proof your a man! Shit.
by Albert December 12, 2003
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to be hacked
y00 g0t h4X0r3d
by Albert August 7, 2003
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Somebody that has an addiction to alcolohic beverages
"err u r an elke-holic!"
by Albert October 18, 2003
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The alter ego of Beavis, an animated character who makes up one half of the dynamic duo "Beavis and Butthead" on MTV.
I am The Great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!
by Albert February 15, 2004
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The initials of a superb Music Video group, Urban Chaos Videos. They are pioneers of the music video ripping scene.
Bob: "Hey, did you see that UCV release of Slipknot - Spit It Out?"
Jim: "Yea, it's awesome, the quality is superb and the audio is absolutely fantastic! I downloaded it from their torrent which I think is a great way to distribute files!
by Albert February 16, 2005
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