3 definitions by Actual Ltd.

Someone who uses a claim that they are a Type A personality or an Alpha to explain something they did.
Person 1: Why are you doing that for?

Person 2: Im a Type A, its what we do.

Person 1: You're a fucking turd moth.
by Actual Ltd. November 6, 2022
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Someone who writes a 2 letter word, such as 'No', on a bit of paper because writing a 3 letter word, such as 'Yes', is just way too hard.
Person 1: Did you vote?

Person 2: Yeah, i voted no. I couldnt be bothered learning about what we were voting for and writing no is way easier than writing yes.

Person 1: You are The Great Australian Wanker.
by Actual Ltd. October 17, 2023
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Someone who has never seen the TV show The Wire.
Person 1: Im so fucking drunk.

Person 2: Whatever you say McNulty.

Person 1: Who the fuck is McNulty?

Person 2: Shut the fuck up you mouldy turd.
by Actual Ltd. January 20, 2023
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