238 definitions by Aaron

people of the land of Mor (in Ireland) of the clan Throck.
(comes from ireland...)
by Aaron June 7, 2004
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(double vagina, double butt) two men insert their penises into a womans vagina. then two more men insert their penises into the rectum.
the 4 men gave her the dvdb!
by Aaron May 14, 2003
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1.A portion of daily hours set aside to take a shit.

2.an insult
1.Bob: Alright boys i'm off for a shitbreak

2.Piss off shitbreak
by Aaron January 15, 2005
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Why, look who it is! Douglas Wayne Phillips! What a goon. Oh wait, it's not Wayne, it's his goon protege, Alexander Pesci.
by Aaron April 18, 2005
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To everyone with negative things to say about d-day: how about you show some fucking respect for the people who fought and died there. They are the reason you have many of the freedoms you enjoy, so shut the fuck up and show some appreciation.
Liberal assclowns have no reverence for those who have fought and died to maintain the blanket of freedom under which they sleep at night.
by Aaron December 8, 2003
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