5 definitions by AJ and Jimmy


The person on "bottom" or the submissive person during intercourse. Contrary to popular belief, this word is not always associated with sonen-ai or the likes thereof.
"During sex with my girlfriend, I am usually seme"
by AJ and Jimmy November 15, 2003
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Manny Zaharapulous
by AJ and Jimmy November 15, 2003
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describes anything/anyone. Takes place of any noun.
I torfed the torf last torf.

While torfing my torf, I torfed upon my Torf's torf torf
by AJ and Jimmy November 15, 2003
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The person on "top" during sex. Contrary to popular belief, this is not always associated with shonen-ai or likewise
"During sex with my girlfriends, I usually am uke"
by AJ and Jimmy November 15, 2003
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Rkelly rulezzzzzz

Saying used to piss Kleomenis Zaharapulous off
jonmcspanx: rkelly rulezz
goolz21: shut up!!!!
by AJ and Jimmy November 15, 2003
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