6 definitions by AGD2202

Verb: To deliberately promote hatred and division amongst a population by using divisive, inaccurate and prejudice language and rhetoric with the specific intention of cultivating distrust and anger towards easily-definable sub-groups of people for personal and political gain.
“Hitler’s speeches were laden with Trumpoison which he found stirred up the hate and fear he wanted and needed to achieve his political goals.”
by AGD2202 April 29, 2020
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Verb & Adjective: The act of using one’s status and position to violate a person sexually, both physically and verbally, without consent or invitation.
Donald didn’t care if his sexual advances were consensual, he just grabbed women by their pussies because he wanted to. He’d been Trumpouncy all of his life.”
by AGD2202 April 29, 2020
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Verb: To spray-paint your face orange but forget to do the side bits.
“Billy had done an awful job of painting his dad’s garage door. He hadn’t intended to Trumptan it but it was now a weird russet colour in the middle and he had missed large sections around the edges.”
by AGD2202 April 29, 2020
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Verb: To abuse one's position of political power and influence to directly benefit oneself and one’s family, financially, at a direct cost to the taxpayers whom you are sworn to protect and serve.
“The Prime Minister had Trumpillaged so blatantly by introducing huge tax cuts for his wealthy friends and family members that he could barely believe that he’d got away with it.”
by AGD2202 April 29, 2020
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Noun: The act of publicly voicing a sexual attraction to one’s own daughter.
Malcolm got so drunk he ended up skinny-dipping with his teenage daughter and then spent the rest of the night TRUMPcesting about her, again. He’s got so much worse since his wife left him.”
by AGD2202 April 27, 2020
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The adult off-spring of wealthy and powerful cockwombles without whom these vacuous and talent-less fuckwitts would be flippin' burgers.
Nepotism is so rife at that company. There’s three Trumpspawn on the board already."
by AGD2202 April 28, 2020
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