25 definitions by ABC

a hat...usually worn by US army special forces
Stop calling me a green beret...I'm not a hat.
by ABC March 20, 2005
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A trick where you face a wall, jog towards it, and take one or two (SOMETIMES more) steps on (up) the wall and execute a backflip off of it and land facing the wall. Attention getter (GUARANTEED to impress the ladies; this move alone could prolly get you some pussy). It's WAYYY easier than it looks because you're only doing 3/4 of a backflip. Go try it!
Wow! That boy looks like a ninja doin them wall flips!
by ABC April 6, 2005
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An excessive amount of money. Another way of saying ‘a Shit Load
John spent a BallBags Worth on that trip to Dubai
by ABC March 20, 2021
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A common saying from nn2s and project decoy coined by Kelly, used to tell mec to shut up.

Generally used to end conversations with people you dislike.
by ABC February 29, 2004
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