A mid-level commander/officer rank in many modern military forces. It can also be used to refer to a second-in-command in military or political hierarchy.
That guy is a lieutenant in the Army.
No, he is the Lieutenant Governor.
by Nicolai June 13, 2004
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A rank of person in the military that frequently gets lost and is usually very confused.
Hey lieutenant, I can help you find your way back if you need assistance.
by carlthejokster January 21, 2018
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a low level U.S. military officer in the Air Force, Army and Marines. Officer ranks (which operate separately from enlisted ranks) are categorized as O-(1-10) A Lieutenant is an O-1 or O-2. Only in the navy is this different where a Lt. is an O-2 or O-3. In Contrast a General or Admiral is an O-10.
The term can also be applied in civilian terms to refer to a second in command. As in a lieutenant governor.
I don't care... just ask some lieutenant to do it.

The governor is on vacation, so the Lt. Governor is running things for a few days...
by EB835120 July 22, 2008
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A true American hero, a man who had a destiny. Forrest Gump's lieutenant in Vietnam who gets his legs amputated. Later, he helps Forrest get rich with Bubba Gump shrimp.
by TheBassMan69 July 14, 2008
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The person you temporarily become after thanking Captain Obvious.
*People are looking at a burning building*

Person 1: Whoa, guys, look! It's on fire!
Person 2: Thank you, Captain Obvious!
Person 1: You're welcome, Lieutenant Sarcasm.
by smileyface3 January 15, 2010
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n. A man who wears really short shorts (plum smugglers) on a nearly constant basis. (see Girf)
by William Earl Dodd III March 25, 2005
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Some huge sky crane motherfucker that is just boss at everything.
That motherfucker Lieutenant Sides...I swear man.
by Poplipoplipop May 5, 2013
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