17 definitions by A. A. Ron

To have resorted to having sex with a skank after exhausting all resources.
Dude, none of my honeys were down, so I had to get skanked!
by A. A. Ron May 8, 2005
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Goes along with ustacould.

Used in place of "may be able to," in redneck vernacular.
Well I ustacould, gimme a minute I mightcould again.
by A. A. Ron April 5, 2005
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Possessing high quality, flashy, gawdy.
Yo, man, them rims is CHRONIC!
by A. A. Ron February 26, 2005
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The first Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) rank one achieves while in the Marine Corps.
Semper Fi, corporal!
by A. A. Ron April 18, 2005
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Hey Bobby, pass me that cookin' erl!
by A. A. Ron May 15, 2005
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Idiotic and incoherent language my brother uses to describe a projectile weapon that charges up and emits an extremely powerful burst of energy to send its targets to an early grave. May God have mercy on their souls.
Don't fuck with me....OK....(pulls out weapon)....boooooooooooooorge fzzzzzzzzzzzzzooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!
by A. A. Ron April 5, 2005
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An awesome Dropkick Murphys song. Also, a euphemism for alcoholism.
Drop me off, sign me in, clean me up and let me out
Man that nurse is a bitch, this sucks, she says my jug ain't allowed
I've had my share of Mt. Pleasant messiahs wearing slippers & robes, trying to bum my smokes
I'm gonna Thorazine shuffle straight out that door
Head to the farm and find me a cure

--Dropkick Murphys "Sunshine Highway"
by A. A. Ron August 13, 2006
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