3 definitions by 1-800-PAIN

Similar to Wheel of Fortune, but rather than having a chance to win, you will lose or get something shitty all of the time. Also another good phrase for Roulette.
Sam decided to spin the Wheel of Misfortune, but lost every time.

Jim went to the casino to play the good ol' Wheel of Misfortune and lost his house, car, and kidney because of his debt.
by 1-800-PAIN March 18, 2015
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Currently the 17,000th scariest thing in Africa. It made headline news and everybody was scared shitless when the outbreaks occurred, but after 2 weeks, just like every other bandwagon, everybody forgot about it.
Person 1: Hey, you heard about those Ebola outbreaks in Africa?

Person 2: Yeah. But after a couple weeks it'll die off and people will find better things to freak the fuck out about.

Person 1: True.
by 1-800-PAIN August 12, 2014
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People who claim to be in the Military but are not truly in the Military. A lot of people like to do this by wearing armed forces uniforms with a lot of medals, which are usually incorrect and out-of-place. People who do this disrespectful activity are usually BCT drop outs or people that did not have the apitude and/or courage to join the Military. Sadly, this is not illegal, but is only illegal if they use the uniform to get some kind of reward.
The Stolen Valor coward with the ACU's on with Ranger, sniper, airborne and many other patches that he clearly did not earn was called out by the man who ACTUALLY served in the Army.
by 1-800-PAIN January 21, 2015
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