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A forum started by members after the deletion of the original "General Mayhem" from www.hardocp.com by Kyle "FrgMstr" Bennett a.k.a Kyle "Bannit"

With the exception of banned members who join SA to whine about GenMay, most GenMay members don't care about SA and their "superiority complex". (I doubt most SA members actually care about GenMay either but I don't know for sure).

While content does sometimes get recycled (hey it's the internet), new content is sometimes created at GenMay as well (i.e. Bunchies)
Spam spam spam spam...
by . December 8, 2003
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The reason the human race most likely will come to an end.
Technology such as wifi (5G radiation), A.I.
by . May 23, 2019
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it means the ending of a relaitonship
"i was so stressed after the break up with jason, i thought that nobody would ever love me any more boo hoo"
by . August 17, 2003
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