86 definitions by s

wow just for the record, everyone has definately blown it out of proportion. Although I don't like where I live, you've got a lot of it wrong. First of all, we don't have a water polo team, therefore, not every person in wyo plays that sport. Nobody goes to the f***ing starbucks...hard bean is where it's at and people from other schools hang out there too. Obviously, you are confusing the majority with the minority because not every single person goes to a party every night to get high and wasted. As much as you don't want to believe it, some of us are human beings and we go to movies and coffee shops to JUST TALK. Fyi, not all of us are the geniuses that you think we are. I know a good number of rich whores that can't tell left from right. We are good at sports and there are quite a few rich people that happen to get everything they want, but again, that is NOT everyone. You may see this as a crusade for wyomissing and it's defense, but you are wrong. It is merely a clarifying gesture so that if you decide to criticize wyomissing, you should make sure you get it right and know exactly what the hell you are talking about.
Person A: Oh, I want a new car!
Person A's parent: Anything you want pumpkin so that you can run our family into the ground in debt and disgrace. After all, we live in Wyomissing and we are all so perfect!

by s May 22, 2006
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to forget, to reject an offer
fer' that shit.
by s August 22, 2003
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salty balls..... as in cum = salty and eyeballs = balls
well in wales its commonly known as salty balls!!!
(as defined by ibizababe) ;)
I gave her salty balls last night and she was doing the dirty pirate!
by s April 15, 2005
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I think I had some bad sushi.I had major explosive last night.
by s August 22, 2005
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amazing UK group who have dipped into dance/techno/heavy/trance and kept the queer boy bands outta the top 10 in the late 80's to mid 90's.
by s March 14, 2003
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wonderful little creatures that dance around and play with mushrooms.

Some are commonly found in backyards.
The gnomes frolicked and played in the fields with their red, pointy hats.
by s March 14, 2003
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When you are about to cum after doing a girl in the anus, so you spit on her back, she turns around, you spit in her face, then you spit in her butt-hole, then finally you cum on whoever is behind you.
Jake was mad when i cummed on his shoes after the triple fake-out.
by s December 24, 2004
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