4 definitions by 👌('0')👌

something held up with tape and gum
most products use military grade to make people think the stuff they are selling is worth money.
by 👌('0')👌 June 28, 2021
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The #2 best come back the #1 best comeback is drum roll please Uno reverse card
A:yo mama have a is have big stupid
B: no u👌😎👌
by 👌('0')👌 July 14, 2019
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A mole twat from Animal crossing that tells at you when ever you forgot to save or run out of batteries at new leaf he is ok when you first approach him but he starts yelling when you keep forgetting to save Jesus can he calm down
Me:forgots to save
Resetti:it's show time
by 👌('0')👌 July 14, 2019
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Stands for angry TV game nerd
that guy from pepsi man :Pepsi for TV game
ATGN:my name is now on angry TV game nerd
by 👌('0')👌 July 14, 2019
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