23 definitions by [TOM] ThunderDawg

Any software programmer who works for Zynga, which produces the worst software on Earth, and also the management at Zynga, that either tolerates incompetence or requires it.
Zynga has the same promotions every week, and you would think they could copy and paste, but Nooooo, the Z-Tards always have new bugs. Any software coded by a Z-Tard has more bugs than the Brazilion rain forest.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg December 22, 2010
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Defending an elected official, no matter how corrupt, scandalous, or incompetent they are, just because you belong to the same political party.
I can't believe Ne0Cons are still Sucking the Political Cock of George W. Bush. He truly was the Worst President in History.

After kissing a Politician's ass it is only proper to finish him off by Sucking the Political Cock.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg October 7, 2010
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I saw some homeless people sleeping in the shruburbs, near the park, last week.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg August 11, 2013
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Terror in Arizona.

On Sarah Palin's infamous target map of Democrat-held congressional districts, she indiscriminately used gunsights and told people to "Take a Stand". Three of those gunsights were in Arizona, more than any other state. And the terror attack of January 8, 2011 that she inspired, took place in Tucson.
Sarah Palin's advertisement in Terrorzona said "Get on Target for Victory in November Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly."
by [TOM] ThunderDawg January 10, 2011
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A person who does not believe in Mathematics, or Maths.
I can't be bothered dong my Math Homework. I'm a Matheist, I don't believe that shit.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg December 6, 2010
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noun, Political Advertising that only infuriates its intended audience, causing them to NOT vote for the Douche or Turd who "approved this message".
Our Congressman lost the election because he tortured everyone in his district for months with Badvertising. He could have easily won if he had attacked his opponent's ideas instead of slinging mud. That stinking piece of shit blamed another stinking piece of shit for stinking.
by [TOM] ThunderDawg November 8, 2010
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Removing qualified professionals from positions throughout an organization, and installing ideologists with no skills to adequately perform the mission of those organizations, in this case a whole federal government administration, under George W. Bush.
Nobel 2008 Economics Laureate PAUL KRUGMAN: "I also wonder how much the Femafication of government under President Bush contributed to Mr. Paulson’s fumble. All across the executive branch, knowledgeable professionals have been driven out; there may not have been anyone left at Treasury with the stature and background to tell Mr. Paulson that he wasn’t making sense."
by [TOM] ThunderDawg October 14, 2008
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