36 definitions by ????^_^????

The idiots that commonly frequent yahoo Chat. These tpe of yahoo chatters tend to act as if they have no life outside their computer. Tend to be Know-it-alls despite the fact that the contradict themselves on a regular basis.
There tactics tend to be.

1. Shouting down all those on yahoo voice chat.

2. Tend to accuse other people of random things and fail to back up their claim.

3. Possibly are racist, ethnocentric, closed mind, ect

Those stupid Yahoo Elitist are hogging the mic in Yahoo political Chat room 1.
by ????^_^???? September 11, 2006
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An estabilshed standard of behaivor maintained by society.
There are four types of Norms.

1. Formal Norms
2. Informal Norms
3. Mores (pronounced "MOR-rays")
4. Folkways
Those are watching a movie are likley to insist on the norm of being silent
by ????^_^???? July 19, 2006
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The belief that you can pull yourself out of any situation by yourself. Coservative Idiology bases some of it's beliefes on this idea.
Today our Political Science Professor taught us about the Bootstrap Ideology.
by ????^_^???? December 2, 2006
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An Intelligent program created by spammers with the purpose of sneaking into a Forum, Chat,or Yahoo Group posing as a real person. As soon as they are in they begin to advertise their clinets products.

They are a real pain to forums that don't have many moderators. Especially when the threads the spambots create start to pile up.
"That damn spambot is ruining my forum" Bill cried with anger.
by ????^_^???? November 3, 2006
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Another Sterotype created to degrade people who are fans of anime.
Bob laughed at the idiot that called him a aninerd
by ????^_^???? November 1, 2006
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A term that orignally refers to the brave people who fought the British durning the Battle of Lexington and Conocord.
They got the name from the fact that they were ready any minute to go out and fight for freedom.

Not to be confused with the anti-foreigner militas that are based in the southwest.
The British were unsucessfull in Capturing Sam Adams due to the Brave efforts of the Minutemen.
by ????^_^???? October 9, 2006
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Pseudo Patriots are people who use patriotism as a tool to silence all criticism by anyone who does not support what majority political party thinks. These type of people tend to hate free speech unless it applies them
This term can not be attributed to any one political group, cause, ect.
Anyone from Conservative to Liberal is capable of being a psuedo patriot.
"Those pro-war supports are nothing but Pseudo Patriots, Paul" told his son. If you can't respect the right to dissent then you are no Patriot.
by ????^_^???? July 6, 2006
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